A little bit about launching my business

A little bit about launching my business

Dearest reader,

Today I’m feeling like writing a blog post. I can’t yet tell what it is going to be about, I’m just going to let it flow.

A little bit about launching my business. Well, it seems like its been forever in the making, every experience informing the process and product. Thats life in its essence though I guess, we are a sum of all our experiences. And it’s all good. A little frustrating all be it when you do not really know which direction to go in. For a very long time I’ve been seeking ‘something’, something that it going to spark the fire and the drive to create something of meaning. A meaning that will propel me forward into a deeper connection with myself, with others and which would be a means to support my family.

Wether it’s because I’m a woman, wether it’s because of the environment I’ve been raised in, I’ve never really thought that I can create a means to support my family financially, completely by myself. I’ve not had any woman millionaire role models, I’ve been pretty unaware of the ‘business’ side of the world. I was always on the path to work for somebody else, work my way up to a decent salary in order to create a decent lifestyle for my family.

At the beginning of the year, I took part in a 5 day workshop given by Denise Duffield Thomas. It literally opened my eyes to new possibilities. To release any money blocks that I may be holding onto, any limiting beliefs and to reframe my future goals.

Ok, after having completed Bonnie Christines Immersion Course, this idea had already started to filter through, however, I had a limited belief that this abundance was only available to other people. Most American people? Don’t ask me why, I dont know. Maybe it seems a world of abundance over there cos it’s sooooo big!! Anyway, my mindset is starting to change.

This comes down to more than just a vision board of ‘wants’. This is where I invite in my learning from spiritual speakers like Abraham Hicks, Wendy Kennedy and the P’s etc about not only having the dream, but feeling it deeply, putting in the emotion as though you already have it and how that feels. The law of Attraction, quite simply.

Bringing that spiritual learning into practical day to day life is becoming more and more evident lately as I see shifts on every level. More acceptance, more flow, more love etc. Now I’m finding that to really anchor it in and transform a big emotion on the spot when im feeling grrrrrrrrr, i found a new tool. Tapping. EFT. It’s been nothing short of awesome for me these past few months. For every area of my life I have found a tapping meditation that releases blocked emotion, stress, overwhelm, pain, cravings, confidence, gratitude and abundance. I’m simply loving it and I want to share it with everyone who will listen. The power for immediate, and i mean immediate transformation is...transformational! 

I’ll leave you with a little link that a friend sent me which introduced me to the concept. If you have never heard of tapping before and want to find out more, here is a free little exercise to talk you through it. Enjoy, you won’t regret it!

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